The Historical Brush Up On The Marvelous Place Called Stonehenge

Stonehenge is one of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites in the world. Here’s a historical overview of this iconic monument:

Origins and Construction

  • Date: Stonehenge was built in several phases between approximately 3000 BCE and 2000 BCE. The earliest part, a circular ditch and bank known as a henge, was constructed around 3000 BCE.
  • Stone Circles: The most recognizable feature, the stone circle, was erected in stages. The large sarsen stones were set up between 2500 BCE and 2000 BCE, while the smaller bluestones were brought from Wales around 2200 BCE.

Purpose and Use

  • Religious and Ceremonial Significance: The exact purpose of Stonehenge remains debated. It is widely believed to have been a site for religious or ceremonial activities, possibly connected to astronomical events.
  • Astronomical Alignment: Stonehenge is aligned with the solstices. The Heel Stone marks the sunrise on the summer solstice, indicating that the site was used